Crawlspaces can be unattractive to most humans. Crawlspaces are typically dirty, low clearance, and accommodate a homes water and service lines. While humans may stay away from the underbelly of their homes critters are attracted to them. What makes crawlspaces attractive to critters?

  1. Crawlspaces are away from direct human contact- Critters looking for shelter will target areas where humans do not frequent.
  2. Dark/dimly lit- Many home invaders including bats, skunks, raccoons and coyotes are nocturnal. Crawlspaces offer a dimly lit area for critters to rest during daylight hours.
  3. Reproduction- Most mammalian critters will seek “maternal dens” to birth and raise their young. Crawlspaces are cement fortresses that offer protection against the elements and other critters.

Critters ranging from mice and rats to skunks and bears target loose ventilation screening and access panels to make homes under houses. Homeowners are tipped off to the presence of their new tenant when these critters clank around in the crawlspace making themselves comfortable.

If you believe you have a critter living under your home contact the wildlife professionals at Critter Evictors for more information!