Many homeowners can attest that having a critter or critter family living in the attic can be uncomfortable. After evicting the uninvited guests from the home and excluding new wildlife from entering the question of clean up comes into play. What are the benefits of cleaning and sanitizing an attic after a critter infestation?

  1. Removal of wildlife scent trails- wildlife living in attics will inevitably leave behind scents of their presence. Many critters rely on their scene of smell to communicate (olfactory communication). Their scents can stem from urine and fece deposits to pheromones. Cleaning and sanitizing an attic will remove the critters scent/leave behinds and prevent other wildlife from following a scent trail to the attic space.
  2. Improve air quality- while many homeowners do not routinely visit their attics the air in that space can still come into the home. Many homes harbor their HVAC ducts in the attic space. By removing critter excrement, nests, debris, etc from the attic the risk of airborne pathogens entering the home diminishes.
  3. Cleaner insulation- most homes will go through an attic inspection if listed for sale. Removing damaged insulation from wildlife and replacing it with clean insulation will help with a homes energy efficiencies and resale value.
  4. Removal of ectoparasites- Ectoparasites are parasites that live outside of their host. They include fleas, ticks, lice, mites and parasitic flies. Many wild critters carry ectoparasites and can bring them into the attic space.

At the end of the day cleaning and sanitizing an attic after critters or rodents infested the space will bring benefits to the home as a whole. For more information contact the wildlife professionals at Critter Evictors.