From Asia to North America moles can be found tunneling and feasting in yards. These small critters average in size from 4-10 inches long. Don’t let their small body size fool you into believing they can’t cause damage! Moles are built to move dirt and eat. What are common components of a moles anatomy and what exactly are they eating?

Moles spend 99% of their life underground. They are equipped with relatively small eyes and ears but can smell in stereo. This means moles can pick up on scents from prey and predators and identify their direction simultaneously. Their coats are smooth and silky to allow for easy travel through soil. Mole skin was once favored by furriers for fur garments.

Moles are polydactyl. Their paws are equipped with extra thumbs to burrow and tunnel easier. These critters are able to tunnel 15-20 ft/hr. While tunneling moles are feasting and building an appetite simultaneously.

Moles are not classified as rodents. Moles strictly eat insects putting them in the category of insectivores. Favorites in their diet include earthworms, larvae and grubs. Moles will eat on average 80-100% of their body weight in insects/day.

Moles eat by tunneling underground and waiting for insects to traverse the soil and fall into a section of their tunnel. While the insect wiggles in the tunnel looking to get to the other side the mole picks up on their vibrations. Moles will scurry over to eat instantly or use their saliva to paralyze their meal and save it for later. In order to keep up with their high metabolism many tunnels are bored daily.

Homeowners may never see moles but their mounds and tunnels will be apparent. Moles push excess dirt to the surface leaving volcanic shaped mounds in yards. Moles also leave raised ridges of grass running through yards, those are feeding lines.

Feeding lines are hollow underneath making the yard soft and squishy. Moles do not eat the roots of grass and plants. In the creation of their tunnels they remove roots and the grass/plants expire as a consequence.

Moles are a true testament to the advise “don’t let their size fool you”. While spending most of their lives underground and measuring in under a foot they can create tunnels hundreds of linear feet at a rate of 15-20 ft/hour. From their paws to their coats moles are designed to burrow and thrive underground. Moles do not intend to kill grass and plants. Moles do not intend to weaken foundations of make pavers sink. These events are collateral from their huge appetites and systematic approach to hunting.

If you believe you have moles in your yard that need evicting contact the wildlife professionals at Critter Evictors for more information!