Bobcats can be found coast to coast in North America. The bobcat has proven to be highly adaptable and resilient to the deforestation and increase of commercial and residential space. Although these critters remain elusive to most, some homeowners find them frequently on their property. What are identifying traits of bobcats? What attracts bobcats to certain properties and how can one deter bobcats from getting too close for comfort?

Bobcats typically weigh 10-30 pounds and have a tan coat with dark spots. Bobcats are approximately 2′ to 3′ long and stand 1.5′ – 2′ tall. Bobcats are typically solitary but can be seen in groups especially when offspring are present. Females have their litter between March and June with an average of 2-3 kittens.

Its not uncommon to see bobcats during the day, however, they are most active during sundown and sunrise. Bobcats are mainly carnivorous and defend territories ranging from 1-15 miles. Like other critters bobcats are in search of food, water and shelter. Bobcats may be more attracted to certain properties if they offer resources.

Bobcats have been known to prey on unattended small pets, including dogs and domestic birds. Bobcats will also prey on poultry, rabbits and rodents. Bobcats have been known to drink from swimming pools, fountains, and birdbaths. Bobcats may also set up shelter near their food sources.

Bobcats generally den in areas that offer concealment and protection. Thick brush, vacant space and shaded areas are attractive characteristics for a bobcats shelter. In some cases bobcats seek shelter in attics, under porches and crawlspaces. In order to keep a safe and comfortable distance between humans and bobcats steps can be taken to make ones property less attractive for them to frequent.

To prevent bobcats from preying and traversing on ones property pets/small livestock should be kept in enclosed areas with secure roofs. Cats and dogs should be monitored while outdoors and kept on leashes. Brush and shrubbery around a property should be kept and maintained to prevent denning. Loose access panels to crawl spaces should be secured. Areas that allow access under porches and decks can be screened to dissuade bobcat access. While some homeowners decide to install fencing it should be noted that bobcats can jump up to 12′ high.

Bobcats are intelligent highly adaptable critters. They typically will frequent a property if that property offers food, water or shelter. In order to mitigate their presence on site, food sources including small pets/ small livestock should be monitored and secured in areas with roofs. Avoid leaving pet food and water outside. Maintain shrubs and bushes around ones property. Ensure crawlspace access panels and areas that offer dark, undisturbed shelter (patios, attics, etc) are secured and protected.

For more information contact the wildlife professionals at Critter Evictors!