Coyotes are becoming increasingly visible in urban and rural dwellings. Homeowners are witnessing the amazing jumping skills of the coyote as they leap over walls 6 feet tall. Coyotes are also skilled diggers squeezing under fences and walls. Many homeowners are uncomfortable with how close coyotes are coming to private living spaces and for good reason.

Coyotes are becoming more bold. There are now documented cases of coyotes taking pets on leash from homeowners and denning under exterior structures of homes. The growing number of coyote encounters are stimulating the amount of phone calls received for coyote removal.

Although some may take a DIY approach its recommended to leave removal of these predators to trained wildlife professionals. Most coyote projects require a custom game plan to address the issue. If you’re dealing with coyotes on your property and are seeking removal services contact the wildlife team at Critter Evictors for your complimentary inspection.