Across North America there’s an increase of nuisance wildlife calls for coyotes. Homeowners becoming more apprehensive to let their pets outside unsupervised for fear a coyote might pick them up. Other homeowners concerned with how close coyotes are on running trails and in backyards. Why are coyotes making closer appearances and how can one mitigate their presence on their property?

Coyotes are usually around when food is around. At the end of the day all living things are in search of food, water and shelter. Coyotes will eat anything from baby llamas to carrion. Their diet also consists of rabbits, squirrels and other small game.

Some small game species reproduce at extraordinary rates. The average litter size for squirrels is 5-10. Rabbit litters range between 4-12! The young, still developing their skills for survival are easy targets.

Coyotes will frequent areas with high availability of food. On the other hand, if food is not available the appeal to frequent certain areas dissipates. Mitigating small game from a property will dissuade coyotes from hunting and frequenting those land parcels.

Action items include

  1. Refrain from feeding wild small game on ones property
  2. Securing foundations to prevent critters from living under structures (sheds, crawlspaces & porches)
  3. Habitat modifications including trimming shrubs, removing potential nesting spots & adding physical barriers
  4. Trapping and removal of small game

Coyotes are vital scavengers & skilled hunters when it comes to small game. Homeowners can help mitigate coyote appearances in their yards and neighborhood. Habitat modifications, physical barriers and trapping will help keep small game numbers down. Refraining from feeding small game like rabbits and squirrels on ones property will also aid in keeping coyotes at bay. Removing the prey removes the predator.

For more information contact the wildlife professionals at Critter Evictors!